I first met Lexi at the beginning of her medical gender affirmation journey in December 2020 while working on Inversions, a broader project focused on the Trans Community. At 58 years old, she had identified and lived as a woman for decades behind closed doors. She was born and raised in Ecuador where the LGBTQ community faces intense discrimination which often ends in violence. After her family immigrated to the USA, she began to explore her gender identity and like many Trans women she spent her early years rejected and isolated from family and friends. This led to a deep depression and several suicide attempts. She supported herself and funded her transition through sex work and cleaning nightclub toilets. Apart from her former partner Laura, she still spends much of her time alone. Now at age 60, she has started to venture out, exploring what this next chapter means for her as an out Trans woman as she tries to find her place in a world that simultaneously supports and fears her.

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